Who Easily Loves..

Is love holding hands and jumping off the cliff trusting that each of you will grow a wing and you two will fly away into the life of your dreams together? I am not a believer of fairly tails... but I believe in love.

Our hearts have different tenacities. Some love more easily than others. We have different capabilities and thus these capabilities somehow works towards how fast we commit to love someone, or even something.

For someone who is talkative enabled, getting to know someone fast and thus get to like or even love may not take ages.

On the other hand, for quiet and reserved persona, it takes time and energy to get to know or be known by someone to a point of giving anything a name.

I see people fall in love easily, so fast so magical. I am not in any way judging that love should take a specified time to blossom. Everyone has their love story. Every seed has the time it takes to germinate.

I love so easily.
You meet this person in a bus, on the streets, at a restaurant, in church and and wherever it is that you frequent and your hearts goes ding..ding...ding... and your mind heywire with all the adjectives you can get to describe a stranger you just saw adorned with some cute hair or something that you like.... You don't even know them, this could even be a serial killer!

You have a bag of rejected proposal from the neighbours daughter to your junior school classmate to the choir girl and the cute-eyed coworkers....

You look back and you're amazed by a dozen persons whom you did love. It just never worked out.

Time out.
One of the best things you can do for yourself when it comes to love and relationships, when one or a series have not worked out is to take an off out of it. Stand on your own two feet and feel; I am good being me and as is. Make sure you are whole without having to need anyone (other than Christ) to be whole. Complete. You. One whole you and at peace about it.

Don't beat yourself.
The only one thing you are absolutely sure is that you only have you on your side at any one given time. Don't call yourself names. You are worth more than the story of your past, worth more than what the future expects. Be glad of who you are. Laugh at what life has been. Don't hold your breath. Look ahead with hope, joy and optimism.

Pray your part.
It is very easy to be consumed by love or even the adventure of seeking love that you forget to have a conversation with God about it. More than what you know, God knows you and what you need. Pray that He will direct you. Let His word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Pray that you do not fall into temptations (There is a verse in the Bible that says so. Look for it.) Share with God small things that happen in life with gratitude and in search of guidance.

God will make a way for you.

Dear God,
I realize that at times I love at the speed of lightening. I end up loving people who do not love you in a way that will rectangle me to be unequally yoked. Guide me in this journey as I seek to get a lifetime partner. I know it us the joy if a father to see re child get the best. You are my father. I trust your direction. Help me to be ready that I will be the best for the love of my life. In Christ Jesus I pray. Amen.

Thank you.

I thank God for my Precious Love, Liz.

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