Meant To be

What is meant to be in my life?

What is really meant to be?

Like if we could zoom in to your very life,
can we place you on the dissecting table
(not to tear you apart) and really analyze your life.

Where, to whom, when and how you were born.
The path you have taken through life to today.
The journey that will be into the future.

What is meant to be?

I was watching The Book Of Acts - The Visual Bible as I read through my Bible (It is awesome. You got to watch it) and I stumbled on this verse that quotes Apostle Paul saying.
He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,          Acts 17:26 
Two things I picked from this verse:
  1. God determined the appointed time that every one of us would walk the face of the earth. I am alive at such a time like this because I have something to impact in this generation for the glory of God! God had everything ready and set for you to come into the face of the earth, where, when, how and to whom you were born. You were born right on the right time. 
  2. He set the boundaries of our habitation i.e. I am Kenyan and Kenya has its boundaries. I was not born a Kenyan by mistake. God Ordained it to be so.God knows where you are. He can touch your life with pin-point accuracy even with his eyes closed, but for the fact that he neither sleeps nor slumber. (Ps 121:3,4)
 Dear God,
I am where I am by your ordained purpose. Teach me not to complain. Teach me to embrace the purpose for which you have placed me in this specific place at such a point in time like this. That the words of my tongue and my actions will bring glory to your name. I am grateful that I am not aloe through life. You have spoken to never leave me nor forsake me. May I be faithful to you, who is faithful to the end. That when it all done, I will have lived my life to the fullest, impacted my generation to the glory of God, in whom I breath and have life. In Christ, my Rock and my Salvation I pray. Amen.

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