9th Floor: Why Would I Not Jump?

I arrived on time for the evening meeting. Only to learn that I was an hour earlier for the meeting. Next thing to do was to wait. I stood beside the window. An awesome view it is. I'd have stood there longer were it not for the cold evening breeze hitting my face and seeking to invite a cold on me and then looking down through the window, my questioning mind threw one at me. Why would you not jump?
Holy Family Basilica and Times Tower in view from the window, 9th floor of Cardinal Otunga Plaza, Nairob.
Me? Jump out of the window? No. My feet grows feeble at that thought and I take a few steps backwards away from the window. Why would I? Why do people jump out of buildings?

Being on edge. Being at the end of it in a big way that you let go. You fall off. All the way to a deep end. I would never belittle the things people have to go through. Life is not easy. We are continuously bombarded by issues from every side in every second of every minute of every hour of.... of our lives.

I have been there. Not alone. Not lonely. I have been there with the companionship of a still small voice. The voice that speaks to me as a son. The voice that encourages me on. The voice of my father.
Son, you are not alone. The battle belongs to me. In a short while it will be over. Don't give up, give me your hand.

There is always something beautiful that you and I are yet to see into the future. We should never deny ourselves the opportunity to experience that beauty.
When you get to the end, don't end, don't be the end. Be the person who went beyond end and discovered the beauty beyond the challenge, beyond the shadow, beyond the obstacle, beyond the end.

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