Running on Empty

 On The Accelerator

That time when you get to put your struggle to test!
The foot is hard on the accelerator but no trees are speeding past. All is well but the tank is empty. Good thing is, when its a vehicle, you can have it towed to the nearest petrol station, or if you are the cautious type, you have some can packed in the boot. What then happens when you heart is running on empty? When you push one more time and you still go no inch ahead?

Wish. Wish. No. Horse.

That moment you wish the ride was downhill and you could release the pressure on the breaks and really slide down all the way. Bad thing is, we are ever mounting uphill. We get dry just before that last step. Times are hardest just when you got to make that one round. When that speed is needed most, it is when it is hardest to speed up.


You get out. Step on the earth. The Dust. The mud. The dew. The all that is not yet all.  You get to push. Pull all your effort together and push and befor you can breath in, before you can relax, before the push is countered by a rear slide, you push, push, push and push .....Push Until Something Happens. You give it all your best and yet it looks like it ain't going nowhere. What happens by a light push with the right foot now takes all your flesh to make it happen! what you do alone now require a band of buddies to lend a hand.

Some hoot behind you, get going or give way! Others just spend past you with the air of their motion pushing you off balance. Some stand by to watch you as you put the size of your struggle to test.

Used to a kilometer at a time, an inch at a time is just too much. When patience is tested beyond the boiling point. The energy is utilized beyond the point breaking point. When the journey covered is the longest, the remaining portion is so short yet so long.

Learn The Lessons

It is in moments like this that we get better. Where we are sharpened, and perfected. Better with every step. You gain understanding with every effort. You become a better you when you get to go through moments like this. You get to understand people better. 

It is not all gloomy.  When you find yourself running on empty. Remember empty does not run but it surely can walk. Harder but better than not. It is not over. There will be times of refueling, times of refreshing. 


The grace is sufficient for and in every time of need.

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